Alpine Tavern After the Fire – 1

My father, Seth Van Wickle, was the motorman for the Pacific Electric who brought the last car down the hill during the last (Alpine Tavern) fire. My mother happened to be staying at the Hotel, and rode that last car out with my Dad.
When he called the dispatcher and told him the Hotel was on fire and burning, with trees falling across the tracks, the dispatcher said “Get the hell out of there!”
These are images taken right after the fire, possibly by my father. They were in his collection.
Frank Van Wickle Collection, used with permission
Thank you, Frank Van Wickle, for sharing your father’s story and for sharing your photographs with us! What an interesting story. Now all can enjoy this bit of history.
Thank you so much for sharing this priceless history of your parents and the last “public” trolley from MLT.
Intrrrsted in learning more about our local history.