Astronomer Lewis Swift at Mount Lowe Observatory (1897)

Michael Patris Collection

Astronomer Lewis Swift stands by the door of the Mount Lowe Observatory circa 1897. The cart in the foreground hauled supplies and even and occasional passenger. Thaddeus Lowe himself was an astronomer being interested in wind currents and held an interest in this observatory for several years after his losing the railway. When astronomer Lewis …

Echo Mountain by Detroit Publishing (1899)

Michael Patris Collection

Echo Mountain as viewed from the Castle Canyon Trail in 1899, captured by Detroit Publishing photographer William Henry Jackson. This hand tinted image was taken just before the famed Echo Mountain House hotel burned to the ground in January 1900. From the left, the Chalet, the smaller of the two hotels, is seen by the …

Stereopticon View of Rubio Canyon

Michael Patris Collection

Early stereopticon view of a trolley exiting Rubio Canyon on its way back to Pasadena circa 1895. Several companies generated and sold commercial images of Mount Lowe and the surrounding areas over the years and amateur photographers joined in on the creative imagery. This image, by an unknown photographer, captures the rural look and feel …